Our Mission

To bring equity to public school education by providing immersive scientific experiences to students in Cleveland.

What we do

We bring real world, cutting-edge science to the classroom in public schools in Northeast Ohio. Our scientists lead the students in an immersive, deep learning, “life as a scientist” experience. Students come up with their own experimental ideas, write grant proposals, receive "notice of awards" or NOAs, carry out experiments in research teams, troubleshoot and revise their approaches, present their results, and publish in a scientific journal - acting as a professional scientist from start to finish.  The students will not only learn about science careers, but they will be doing everything a professional scientist does. This work happens right in their own classroom with weekly assistance from Rise Up volunteers who are highly trained individuals from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland State, and the Cleveland Clinic. Students experience creative freedom and collaboration, and will learn not only experimentation but also how to read, write, and present work as a scientist.

Why we do it

Science is the most expensive course to teach. Schools that struggle for funding have fewer opportunities to provide hands-on experiences to students. In fact, science careers have a “glass floor” and are plagued with representation issues that largely stem from inequities in science education. Our primary goal at Rise Up: Northeast Ohio is to bring equity to science education by providing opportunities and serving students from historically excluded communities. Our secondary goal, which we hope is a natural result of our primary goal, is to equilibrate the power structures in science and increase the diversity of thought, experience, and representation in science careers. Science is for all of us.

Through our work we hope to crack the “glass floor” and help bring equity to science education in Northeast Ohio.   

What People Are Saying

“I learned how to use a vortex, conduct a real experiment, and the concept of teamwork.”

— Lincoln-West Student

“Being a scientist is actually kind of exciting, you can really do anything you want.”

— Lincoln-West Student

“Rise Up has been a huge success in my classroom. The program is truly one of a kind, and the future of education.”

-CMSD Teacher

“The best part for me was conducting experiments and being able to work together as a team.”

— Lincoln-West Student

Learn more about ways to get involved, Rise Up programming, and organization updates by signing up below!